Acne is so much more than what we have been taught our whole lives, and it can be extremely frustrating to figure out alone. McKinzie is a certified Acne Specialist who has also struggled with acne, as well as many skin conditions throughout her own life. She understand the physical and mental toll that having acne can take and is extremely passionate to help others clear their skin because of that.

She prides herself on being a pillar of support through the acne program and is always there to give encouragement, celebrate wins, and answer any questions that might arise during the process.

With her comprehensive holistic approach to clear & healthy skin, she will deep dive into much more than just your skin. By doing an in depth lifestyle, diet and skin analysis and combining at home clinical grade products with in-office treatments she will have you well on your way to beautiful skin and a huge confidence boost. Clearing your skin can be a mentally taxing journey, but she is prepared to be there with you every step of the way to getting clear and staying clear.

acne doesn't define you


acne doesn't define you -

  • When you are ready to start the Acne Bootcamp, please do the following steps: 
Fill out and submit the Acne Bootcamp Intake Form
The intake form will take some time to complete, so please give yourself plenty of time 
Book your “Acne Bootcamp Consultation”
If you still have any more questions regarding the Acne Bootcamp, please email and subject “Acne Bootcamp Question”

  • The Acne Bootcamp is a clearing skin system that uses a safe and holistic approach to treating acne with a 90% success rate. The system includes a strict home-care regimen with high-quality active ingredients products, lifestyle changes, and bi-weekly in-office visits to ensure your skin becomes clear and stays clear. Most are in the program for a minimum of 3-6 months (may be longer depending on acne type/severity).

  • The initial appointment with a thorough consultation & skin sensitivity test, is $50, which will go towards product should you decide to move forward with the program. After the consultation, your first investment will be home care products which will consist of 5-7 essential products. The price for home care will vary based off of your skin care needs, but pricing usually ranges between $150-$250 depending on your budget. Continuing bi-weekly in-office treatments are $90. Acne Bootcamp packages are available at a discounted price.

  • We perform a series of chemical peels, professional extractions, LED light therapy, high frequency, and anything else that your skin may need.

  • Because everyone's skin chemistry is unique, the clearing timeline varies greatly from a few months to up to a year. It takes about 3 months for acne to complete its cycle, so that's why I encourage everyone to commit to a minimum of 90 days to allow any underlying congestion to come to the surface. Most people start to see incredible progress around 4-5 months!

  • Home care products are a very strict and important factor in the acne bootcamp program. You must use the entire recommended regimen as a part of our acne bootcamp. 
We cannot guarantee results if you are using other products outside of this regimen. Any other beauty or skincare products can be a factor. If you are ever unsure, please ask your acne specialist.

  • You do not have to book a treatment with the consultation. The initial consultation is strictly for education, analyzation and home-care products. You can add on a treatment if you’d like, however, it is not required.

  • This program requires full commitment to all sessions. If you are not able to come in every 2 weeks, I recommend booking a consultation so we can come up with a plan that works with your lifestyle and budget. I can work with you and come up with a plan that fits your lifestyle!